Searchable Encryption References

Here are a few references of papers on Searchable Encryption.

To start

  1. Curtmola, R., Garay, J.A., Kamara, S., and Ostrovsky, R. 2006. Searchable symmetric encryption: improved definitions and efficient constructions. ACM CCS 2006, 79–88.
  2. Chase, M. and Kamara, S. 2010. Structured Encryption and Controlled Disclosure. Asiacrypt 2010, 577–594.
  3. Cash, D., Jarecki, S., Jutla, C.S., Krawczyk, H., Rosu, M.-C., and Steiner, M. 2013. Highly-Scalable Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Support for Boolean Queries. CRYPTO 2013, 353–373.
  4. Cash, D., Jaeger, J., Jarecki, S., et al. 2014. Dynamic Searchable Encryption in Very-Large Databases: Data Structures and Implementation. NDSS 2014.

Forward Privacy

  1. Stefanov, E., Papamanthou, C., and Shi, E. 2014. Practical Dynamic Searchable Encryption with Small Leakage. NDSS 2014.
  2. Bost, R. 2016. Σoφoς: Forward Secure Searchable Encryption. ACM CCS 2006, 1143–1154.
  1. Cash, D., Jarecki, S., Jutla, C.S., Krawczyk, H., Rosu, M.-C., and Steiner, M. 2013. Highly-Scalable Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Support for Boolean Queries. CRYPTO 2013, 353–373.
  2. Kamara, S. and Moataz, T. 2017. Boolean Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Worst-Case Sub-Linear. Eurocrypt 2017.

Locality of Searchable Encryption

  1. Cash, D. and Tessaro, S. 2014. The Locality of Searchable Symmetric Encryption. Eurocrypt 2014, 351–368.
  2. Asharov, G., Naor, M., Segev, G., and Shahaf, I. 2016. Searchable symmetric encryption: optimal locality in linear space via two-dimensional balanced allocations. STOC 2016, 1101–1114.
  3. Demertzis, I. and Papamanthou, C. 2017. Fast Searchable Encryption With Tunable Locality. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, ACM, 1053–1067.

Verifiable Searchable Encryption

  1. Kurosawa, K. and Ohtaki, Y. 2012. UC-Secure Searchable Symmetric Encryption. FC 2012, 285–298.
  2. Bost, R., Fouque, P.-A., and Pointcheval, D. 2016. Verifiable Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption: Optimality and Forward Security. .

Leakage-Abuse Attacks

  1. Cash, D., Grubbs, P., Perry, J., and Ristenpart, T. 2015. Leakage-Abuse Attacks Against Searchable Encryption. ACM CCS 2015, 668–679.
  2. Zhang, Y., Katz, J., and Papamanthou, C. 2016. All Your Queries Are Belong to Us: The Power of File-Injection Attacks on Searchable Encryption. 25th USENIX Security Symposium, USENIX Security 16, Austin, TX, USA, August 10-12, 2016., 707–720.